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  • Writer's pictureThe Fake Guru

The Writer's Block

Updated: Nov 10, 2021

I don’t want to write today.

Can that just be the end of this essay?

I guess not – but at least those sentences rhyme

Don’t get your hopes up - my rhymes ain’t sublime

So how should I fill 250 words?

Maybe with something but meaningless blurb?

It’s 9.31 pm at night. 2 Fast 2 Furious is on - that’s right!

Outside, the people are hitting the streets.

Me? I came home to put up my feet.

I had a nice little story lined up for today

But when I put pen to paper – POOF – it went away!

So now I sit here, I really can’t be fucked

As you can see sometimes writing really sucks

Well, look at that, I’ve done 125 words

I’m half-way there, just gotta pad out this blurb

I’ll let you in on a secret or two

I’m writing something I could flush down the loo

I think you can see, it’s obvious why

This essay’s pretty sh*t, not sure why I even try

Well look at that, I’m 180 words in

I think it’s time to put an end to this din

A story a day– Day 69, I believe

And with that, my dear reader –

I apologize and take my leave


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